SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH
Booth number: 10-118
About us
SCHADE Lagertechnik (AUMUND Group) ranks among the worldwide leading suppliers of bulk material stockyards and blending bed technology for all major industries such as the Mining, Power, Cement, Chemicals & Fertilizer industry.
SCHADE has a long and distinguished reputation for innovative engineering and superior quality.
Their expertise is best demonstrated by the outstanding service life of their (environmentally friendly) equipment.
SCHADE designs and supplies stockyards and blending beds of circular and longitudinal shape with stackers, tripper cars, bridge-type scraper reclaimers, portal & semi-portal scraper reclaimers, cantilever scraper reclaimers and wagon tipplers.
Bruchstr. 1
45883 Gelsenkirchen
Phone: +49 209 503160
Contact person:
Anton Shkolnik
Sales Director
Phone: +49 209 50316224
Products & Services
SCHADE Lagertechnik is involved in the mining and minerals industry.
SCHADE designs and supplies stockyards and blending beds of circular and longitudinal shape with stackers, tripper cars, bridge-type scraper reclaimers, portal & semi-portal scraper reclaimers, cantilever scraper reclaimers and wagon tipplers.